Meet our board
The Kulea Childcare Villages Board of Directors is a group of volunteers in the United States, who donate their time to provide vision and direction for the organization as well as to raise awareness of the needs of orphans and to raise and manage funding.

Wilson joined the Kulea Villages Board of Directors in 2011 after learning about our work in East Africa. He brings his years of experience in information technology and operation management to the board as well as his experiences growing up in Kenya.

A medical technologist by education and training, Pam's heart was broken for the plight of the African orphan after attending a concert by the Watoto Children's Choir. She joined others with a similar passion who desired to replicate the Watoto model of orphan care in East Africa, and in 2009 Kulea Childcare Villages became a reality. Pam's skills include creative problem solving and strategic planning, and she has considerable experience with policy writing in a non-profit setting. A self-described "worker bee", she is often behind the scenes working to accomplish the work of Kulea. She has been a member of the board since its inception in 2009, serving both as Secretary and Vice Chair.

Amy joined the Kulea Board as Treasurer in early 2017. Africa has been on her heart for many years, however, she did not know why until a chance meeting at a Bible study placed her in direct contact with Deborah Brown, Kulea's Director, who mentioned the need for Kulea to find a Treasurer. Africa and Kulea were calling and Amy was ready to serve. She has had a few career changes in her life from professional pilot to vice president of a retail business to her current position in customer relations. She has also had experience serving on a non-profit Board of Directors. Amy lives in Kyle, Texas and has a daughter, Maria, who works with Autistic children.

Larry joined the Kulea Board in 2020 and has been sponsoring children through Kulea since 2010. Larry is a biomedical engineer by education and training and has worked his 30-year career in product development in the medical device industry. He visited Tanzania on a Kulea Mission Trip in 2018 and was impressed and humbled by the contagious, positive energy of the Tanzanian people. Larry is passionate about supporting orphans and addressing hunger, a complex issue affecting health, vitality, sleep and the ability to thrive and function. Larry lives in Santa Rosa, California with his wife Amy, two sons, Benjamin and Ryan, and their pets Spec, Jack, and Gracie.

Tammi has worked in the child care industry for 31 years. While working with Deborah, she became aware of the many needs of the children in Africa. Since the opening of Hilltop School in Likoni, Tammi has made it her mission to find sponsors each year for the children to attend preschool, who may not have been be able to attend otherwise.

Bio Coming Soon